• Do Good, Love One Another, Reveal Jesus.

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Staff members meet

02 June, 2015

Événements à venir

Pasteur Kevin Boucher

dimanche | 10 novembre 2019, 10:00

Events and News

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What We Believe

We are a Bible Based Church
We believe the Bible is God’s Word to mankind. In it we can find all the necessary instructions for life and spiritual health. It is this Word that is the foundation for everything we do.

We are a Bible Preaching Church
The Bible tells the Good New of Jesus Christ coming to earth, His death and resurrection, which provides an entrance for man to a new relationship with God. This alone is our message. We believe it, and preach it.

We are a Bible Teaching Church
The world is filled with many good books, but there is only one “Good Book!” The Bible is so important to us that we believe in teaching it to both young and old. Imagine what a great community we could have if politics and philosophies were put aside and everyone knew and followed the instruction of the Bible – God’s Word.
  • They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish.
  • Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then…
  • If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy that person; for God's temple is sacred, and you together are that…


In sollicitudin, ipsum nec auctor malesuada, elit turpis fermentum odio, ac vestibulum dui risus non elit. Quisque varius ex arcu, vitae rhoncus justo lacinia ac. Nunc eu bibendum mauris, et tincidunt ex. Duis non aliquam nibh.

Donation form 5

Donation form 5

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean non pulvinar purus. Nunc elit metus, sollicitudin sed nunc sed, iaculis eleifend turpis. Fusce id placerat massa, vitae venenatis mi. Pellentesque sem eros, elementum et mauris sit amet, eleifend vehicula nisi. Nam non arcu dolor.
Personal Info

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Assembly of God Bangued, Abra, Philippines

2nd floor at Betty's Building, Taft street Zone 5, Bangued, Abra

Philippines - Pastor Wayne Del Rosario - 09155211455


Canada - Helen Del Rosario - 514-573-0924



About US

Etiam laoreet porttitor suscipit. Vivamus a diam quis nibh euismod interdum ut a magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris cursus gravida facilisis. Aliquam commodo lacinia orci, fringilla lobortis lectus mattis ac. Pellentesque consectetur odio vel maximus semper. Fusce id ultricies velit. Integer eleifend eros eget dui lacinia gravida. Praesent sodales leo in blandit vestibulum. Vivamus faucibus feugiat velit, in ultrices velit interdum at. Sed gravida risus quam, ut vestibulum tortor fringilla at. Nam posuere enim nec risus facilisis, molestie pretium purus congue. Suspendisse ullamcorper arcu id imperdiet hendrerit.
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What people say once they embraced God's word.
  • Brian Olton

    Spending a short period of time at this church while I was on vacation has…
  • Helen Del Rosario

    Born in the Philippines, loving every minute of the word has given me the strength…
  • Pastor Denia Del Rosario

    Only one life will soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last.Nunc finibus…
  • Pastor Wayne Del Rosario

    In Jesus, we found salvation. In Jesus, we found love and care. In Jesus, we…
  • Romar N. Santos

    I was a Christian. I had met God in a special way since I was…
  • Joana Grace

    I don’t know how my life is now if I did'nt accept God in my…
  • Jelly Galinte

    There is none to be praise but our Lord Jesus Christ. I am Jelly, mother…
  • Precious Del Rosario

    Whenever I met new friends that are Christian, they always asked me, "when did you…
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Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit...